Keep Your Hands On The Wheel*

It’s quite saddening that when you’re driven, you often realize too late that you’ve actually been in the passenger’s seat the entire time. You see, the ego is quick to position itself behind the steering wheel with its foot firm on the gas. The true self has been conditioned to believe that permitting the foot on the gas is how it derives its value. So you end up in this well structured rat race; disregarding the fact that your hands have been off the wheel the entire time. It’s no surprise that on multiple occasions, you crash- you burn out…

During my undergrad, I found great satisfaction from always being on the move. The adrenaline rush garnered from running between classes mirrored the desire to be caught striving for excellence. On one cold winter morning, in usual fashion, I rushed out of an elevator on campus. But this time around, the security guard stopped me and inquired, “Son, why are you always in a rush? Don’t you know it’s only the devil that’s always busy?”

In that moment, I felt perplexed as a cacophony of deafening thoughts weighed on my mind. It’s no secret that driven people have a tendency to live in where they are going at the expense of where they are. The unspoken truth is that when you eventually get to where you are going, you’ve most likely lost who you are. So what is the alienated reasoning for the rush, when you have the opportunity to know yourself and dictate a more authentic outcome of the journey?

The vision God has put on your heart is not dependent on your qualifications but on your trust and your faith in Him. Keep your hands firm on the wheel; you may not face potholes today, but you eventually will tomorrow because of where you have been appointed to go. Keep your hands on the wheel so when you’re reminded to refuel, you can move in the right direction for replenishment- not speed past your Source. Keep your hands on the wheel- your warmth in this cold world is still needed more than you can ever imagine. Now echoing the words of my Pastor, “when you don’t take a stand, don’t expect God to take a stand for you.” Reflect on it.