Cultivate Pure Intentions

There's a beautiful parable about an evil king who went to meet a good king. When invited to stay for dinner, the evil king asked for his plate to be switched with the good king's plate. When the good king asked why, the evil king replied,

"You may have poisoned the food." The good king simply laughed. 

That reaction made the evil king even more nervous, and he switched the plates again, thinking maybe he was being double-bluffed. The good king just shook his head and took a bite of the food in front of him. The evil king didn't eat that night. 

More often than not, the darkness that has engulfed our hearts is what prevents us from tapping into the blessings prepared on the table before us. In the story, the evil king projected his own dishonor onto the good king. And in the same light, our suspicion about others is a signal that it’s time to address and let go of our insecurities. You see, the challenge most of us face is that the more resources we get, the more walls we put up, and the more distrusting we become. However, when we can learn to hold firm the belief that when God breathed life into us, He also put a part of Himself into us, cultivating pure intentions become effortless.


This message was originally shared on instagram here.