Redefining Destiny Helpers

Just as he was completing his studies at our academy, we made him an offer to join our team. However, he had a more lucrative offer and his counteroffer to our proposed was way out of budget. But somehow, he was led to join us at a time we had no clear direction on growth. We always knew it wasn’t ordinary but we understood that there’s always a mystery behind favor.

Under his empathetic tutelage, hundreds of graduates are maximizing their God-given potential across tech careers globally. The more success we experienced, the more our competitors and clients tried to poach him. However, he stood with us until he secured a scholarship to pursue his Master’s in the U.S. Exceptionally enough, it just happened to be in a discipline he had built solid expertise in from teaching over several years.

You see, many of us believe our destiny helpers will be a family member or friend who might randomly show up and give us a handout. So we go through life doing the bare minimum while calling God’s name at odd hours. But let me challenge you; what if your destiny helper has been within you the entire time? What if your destiny helper is the patience you exhibit during your time of sacrifice? What if your destiny helper lies in cleaning your clogged-up mindset?

There’s quite a fascinating story of a lady who always complained about the dirt she observed on her neighbor’s laundry. One morning, she woke up and saw that the neighbor’s laundry on the drying line was crystal clean this time around. In utter shock, she woke up her husband to share the gossip. He yawned widely and then responded, “Honey, I woke up earlier and cleaned our windows.” In truth, the majority of us are similar to the lady because we have cultivated the flawed belief that our destinies lie in the control of others. However, we have all been given the power to wipe away the misconceptions that stain the window to our thoughts. And fam, the cold truth is that your current definition of your destiny helper may be precisely what is stopping you from getting to the next level of our grace.


This message was originally shared on instagram here.

Romance Matters- Part 3

Father transitioned from life before my adolescence. The impact wasn’t immediately felt until I had to leapfrog from preadolescence to man. Indeed there were turbulences however, as I reflect on the journey, it has become so vivid that these experiences helped shape my leadership journey. That’s the promising angle. The questionable angle? It’s the cultivated belief that a man’s worth is only measured by the breadth of his provision. This belief morphed into workaholism- nothing else mattered.

Society paints this seemingly obvious correlation between hard work and attaining breakthrough financial success quite early in life. So most people- especially ambitious young men from economically disadvantaged homes- buy into the goal of earning their first $1M before age 30. And who could really blame them? After all, very few truly crack the code to unlocking wealth while still relatively young, and even fewer are completely transparent about what it takes. So after age 25, most young men grow anxious. By 28, depression starts knocking. Months before 30, the majority grow bitter about the trajectory of their lives. Building a family now becomes a complete afterthought and newly-formed flawed habits drive away romantic partners who once provided emotional capital.

As I was pitching a business concept to a mid-aged investor years ago, he randomly interrupted, “Are you married?”. Before I could process the question, he continued “Are you waiting until you make your first million before you marry?”. I was still silent. He then riddled, “Would you rather make that million before marriage and lose it all or make that million after marriage so your wife’s prayers can help you sustain it?” As we walked out of his mansion, it clicked. For many of us, unlocking certain goals in our lives first lie in cultivating the spirit of discernment. You see, it’s the discernment that guides us in identifying whom we have been called to pursue our romance matters with. And that clarity and peace attained from a union built on the foundation of God are what catapults multiplication across all areas in our lives. Series End.


This message was originally shared on instagram here.

Romance Matters- Part 2

She insists “You don’t want me anymore.” He questions “Are you sure you’re not cheating on me?” They would rightfully deny whenever the assumptions would come up in petty arguments. But gradually, the words would manifest into actions. After all, it’s been echoed for too long without a proper attempt to disarm each partner’s mentality. So she still believes she’s not enough to be loved this wholeheartedly. He still believes he’s not worthy to experience romance bathed in fidelity. They both failed to take time to heal, and the connection established during the early stages of romance had to eventually pay the price. Ways were parted.

It’s been years and they’ve learned to find meaning in why they once entertained agony. His self-esteem has once been built up again. He now trusts without boundaries. It’s quite spiritual because the woman he is now in an exclusive relationship with matches up mystically with his energy. And in truth, she has also been through one flawed relationship after the other. But she woke up one morning and never looked back. It took years to find herself, to find the God in her. It’s no surprise that their divine pairing has resulted in a complete alignment of energy that propels them to flourish across chosen endeavors. There’s peace and purpose in their unity. There’s Proverbs 20:5.

You see, his newfound romance strengthens in the right direction, but the fascinating thing about life is that when choices are about to be made, God will allow distractions to surface so you can prove what you value. And indeed his ex-partner resurfaces. Thoughts of intimacy cloud the mind. He must have forgotten that intimacy is a by-product of great connection, not a substitute for connection. He must have failed to recall that the moment in front of him is not what’s distracting him; he’s rather distracting himself in front of the moment. So he falls prey to the temptation. Saddening how his current partner who took years to find herself is hurt once again, broken. Pathetic how intimacy with his ex-partner is ephemeral because familiarity indeed breeds contempt. So the cycle continues; it’s romance matters.


This message was originally shared on instagram here.

Romance Matters

As she shared updates about her life, she beamed with pride at the mention of her recent engagement ceremony. We had briefly bonded in Tanzania years ago because I was just coming out of a relationship and she was in her healing process. That conversation taught me the importance of becoming whole before venturing into the next relationship, or you risk dating the same personality over and over again. In fact, until your brokenness is completely acknowledged and attended to, your self-esteem may always be at stake regardless of how often you try to move on.

Similar issues persisted in each relationship but in the name of love, we always turned a blind eye. It took years to realize that love is simply not enough in romance. In fact, “I love you” has been disguised as control. The fear of losing a loved one solicits unfettered emotions that easily drive two lovers apart. On most occasions, such fear even breeds insecurities.

For romance to work, it takes the evolution of one’s perspective of the now. It takes the self-introspection that it’s not real love when there’s no choice. It takes the emotional maturity that mirroring flaws from past relationships is only detrimental to your shared happiness. It takes active work; just imagine that it was going to snow an inch an hour for the next 24 hours. You could go out every hour with a broom and get rid of the snow. It takes 5 minutes. But when you are sitting indoors for 24 hours, two feet of snow eventually pile up causing you to need a different tool for it.

Unfortunately, most lovers are placing bandages on recurring issues while burying frustrations. And with each tear that drops, the adhesive of the bandage only becomes weaker. At some point, the only tool that can fix the compounded pain is time- time apart. Messy break-ups ensue. You see, romance becomes unhealthy when there’s no mutual respect for feelings and emotions. Respect positions you to recognize strengths and weaknesses, and in turn, give your partner room to bloom into who they are. You’d be surprised to find clarity as to why you have been paired out of the billions of people.


This message was originally shared on instagram here.

Hack to Elevation

Many believers are quick to congregate in God’s presence for the Word, but how many of us can truly praise Him without restrictions? How many of us can pocket our reputations today so we cash out on the blessings that eventually await us tomorrow? How many of us can be like King David, as he danced without boundaries to glorify God’s presence?

As I witness the jubilation that cuts across the lives of recent graduates, I couldn’t help but recollect my graduation. Behind the smiles on camera was a young man filled with anxiety- desperate to hear from one of the several companies I had interviewed with. It’s quite ironic that most people who seem to have life figured out are the ones struggling the deepest. In my case, a struggle so deep that I left my graduation mid-way for a job interview, which I didn’t secure.

On the Sunday following graduation, I found myself at Hillsong Church. And as I stood still in the midst of strangers during worship, my heart whispered, “How can you expect to be elevated when you are already standing tall?” Despite being engulfed by a state of diffidence, I knelt in obedience. I believed no one would understand my praise because they could not understand my hunger. I firmly believed the prayers that escaped my lips as I kneeled, the worship that serenaded the Heavens as I sang, and the Word that permeated my temple as I listened would unlock my elevation.

You see, the moment you learn that God works generationally and not situationally, you stop getting disappointed when things do not go according to plan immediately. In fact, very few are fortunate to find that what we want isn’t always what we actually need to fulfill our purpose on Earth. Now aside from the fact that I secured a career shortly afterward, it just happened to be in an industry that would later propel me to build an institution that would transform the incomes of hundreds. Fam, it’s so clear that we must give ourselves continually to the ministries of prayer, worship, and the Word. One can just not journey without the other in unraveling the manifestation of a victorious believer. Class of 2023, Congratulations!


This message was originally shared on instagram here.

The Money Mindset- Part 3

Sometimes, a simple tweak in your communication shifts your economic reality. In my late teens, I made a conscious effort to eliminate the words ‘I’m broke’ from my conversations. Instead, I would rather say ‘I’m experimenting.’ For me, choosing the word ‘experimenting’ affirmed that the lack of capital is only a phase and God is testing my will before blessing me with more. However, ‘broke’ subconsciously deterred me from breaking out of the ephemeral financial state.

Eight years ago, I embarked on a life-changing trip to teach vulnerable youth in Ghana. Prior to this trip, I held a flawed mentality that anyone can be successful if they worked hard. However, when I listened to the varied challenges of our students, I finally understood that the only reason why I was in front of them, and not the other way around, was because I had opportunity. Indeed, it was this experience that set me on a personal mission to create economic opportunities for millions of people globally.

What’s exciting is that many of you have the opportunity to monetize your skills in this digital age, and yet you keep complaining about being broke. Newsflash; there’s someone out there who is willing to pay for a combination of two unique skill sets that you’ve naturally acquired on your journey. And the longer you wait to be introspective, the more you’re doing the world a disservice. You see, chasing money is how most of us miss what we’re due. The secret to attracting money is to tap into the excellence that has been planted within you before you were formed in the womb.

Let me encourage you. The week before announcing the decision to close down our company, an entrepreneur I greatly admire reached out for a meeting during her short layover. We only spoke for half an hour but the next day, she introduced me to a friend. Unbeknownst to me, that friend was building a fund that would eventually wire us enough funds to sustain our operations for the rest of that year. Fam, this was precisely the moment I understood that if you have a mission of God and pursue excellence at all costs, you will simply never run out of money. Series End.


This message was originally shared on Instagram here.

The Money Mindset - Part 2

Fundamental principle: money magnifies who you already are. If you are frugal, earning more will amplify that. If you are a spendthrift, just watch how quickly you splurge any amount you’re trusted with. The same concept applies to giving. Regardless of your belief, when you give freely, you gain more. When you don’t, you risk losing the resources you’ve been blessed with (Proverbs 11:24).

The challenge, however, is that most believers are social givers, instead of kingdom givers. The former give to prove a point in public and then complain behind closed doors. The latter give with the purest intentions so they always replenish. You may be wondering why there’s even a need to give unconditionally, especially when your earnings are never enough to sustain your lifestyle. Journey with me…

You see, anyone who has taken a train ride in New York may attest to being approached for alms. It’s very tempting to give, especially when you’re in a coach filled with givers. At one point, I would always give but complain afterward. So I stopped. Fast forward to the day before my first semester of sophomore year, I had been notified of a $10,000 hold on my student account- which needed to be cleared urgently. You could imagine the anxiety as I waited on the train that afternoon. At that point in my life, I had no idea what it meant to sow seeds. However, when that lady walked into the same coach I sat in to beg for alms, my heart moved me so strongly to put everything from my wallet into her cloth. That everything was $1.

The funny thing about our hearts is that they always follow our treasures. To this day, I still cannot explain how that $10,000 disappeared by the end of the week and allowed me to register for classes. What I can explain is that what you have to your name today is more than enough to make your world larger. Most believers are waiting for their breakthrough before they are comfortable giving what they find to be desirable. But that’s precisely how we suppress our blessings. Fam, when we wait to have enough before we listen to the direction of our hearts, we will just never have enough to give.


This message was originally shared on Instagram here.

The Money Mindset

At the mention of money, three categories always come to mind; (1) born into wealth, (2) grew up with money that couldn’t be sustained, and (3) born into poverty. The latter groups usually develop a unique money mindset that cripples them; unless conscious effort is made to reprogram the mental.

As I was checking in my bags at the airport, the attendant gave me the option to upgrade my seat for an additional $200. I declined, although the initial ticket was covered by a sponsoring entity. Shortly after going through security, I received a call from a loved one asking for the same amount. The funds were transferred before boarding. In that moment, the ability to help made me feel great however, upon noticing how uncomfortable my seat was in the plane, I was encouraged to reflect. ‘Why do I always compromise my comfort but usually give without restrictions?’

You see, as a member of the second category, the childhood fear of not sustaining my hard-earned income surpassed the need to prioritize comfort while the flawed necessity to prove something propelled the desire to give. But at what cost? In truth, we all love a good rags-to-riches story from those in the third category. However, we hesitate to discuss that many let their money work for them. Money is an idea, a construct. It's just one form of power. But what is more powerful is financial education. Money comes and goes, but if you have the education about how money works, you develop the correct money mindset and can begin building wealth.

Unfortunately, most people - just like you - may not realize that a significant blessing is to believe you deserve money instead of constantly worrying that you will wake up one day and what you’ve been trusted with will all be gone. You constantly complain you don’t have money but you keep spending frivolously; convincing yourself that you simply need to keep working harder. Who ever lied to you that the only way to earn money is through constant hard work? Fam, the moment you can learn to trust that money is power only when you own it, and not when it owns you, you take another step towards attaining financial independence.


This message was originally shared on Instagram here.

Is Passion Enough?

Let’s face it. At some point on the journey, you do require the burning passion to sell your vision to stakeholders, to navigate the complexities associated with the evolution of your idea, and to serve as the fuel that keeps you going when your loved ones deter you from the unknown route that somehow chose you.

Any chance you’ve realized that those who say “follow your passion” are usually already successful? In fact, it’s quite baffling that when most of them fully open up about their journey, you can discern that they’ve rather grown distant from their passions. You see, earlier this week, I felt blessed to have been invited to the Skoll World Forum at Oxford where I heard the stories of social entrepreneurs solving some of our world’s biggest problems. The more I listened, the better I understood that passion is only one part of the success equation. The often overlooked part? Determination. Indeed it’s passion that leads you to identify a gap in the market and work tirelessly to bridge the gap. However, it is determination that eventually enlightens you on whether there is truly a market in that gap.

As a builder, your talents will always differentiate you. In the same way you only build muscle by using it, you build your talents by growing determined enough to use them at their fullest potential. But it’s rather unfortunate that most builders fall into the trap of the passion paradox; they’re always busy but accomplish nothing of great scope. The challenge is the passion that fuels the early stages of building will eventually lead to small wins- no doubt. However, it becomes dangerous when the small wins graduate into a symbol of ultimate success- especially when you’ve been appointed to transform the lives of thousands, millions.

Now fam, bear in mind that sacrifices will be made on your evolution because no worthwhile battle in this life is fought without scars. So know that as you begin to dilute your passion with your determination, your earliest believers may slice you with their words and pierce you with their actions. The good news is the pace at which you decide to evolve is only yours to make.


This message was originally shared on Instagram here.

The Heart Series- Part 2

For so long, you’ve disassociated yourself from The Word. Life is coming at you so fast that your worship has now become a warship. Your heart is literally at war with the same Son who died on the cross to save you from your sins. But before your heart gives in to any more negativity, just know that even those who worship flawlessly go through hardships- sometimes worse. While Apostle Paul suffered trials and persecution throughout his ministry, Job lost every single resource he had once been blessed with. So why are you so convinced there’s a personal vendetta against you?

You see, somewhere in the Northeastern part of the states, fishing for codfish is a huge commercial business. In order to successfully transport the codfish, traders have to freeze them first. However, the challenge is when frozen, the codfish loses its taste. Traders then decided to ship it alive in seawater but it also became too soft, and wasn’t appealing to buyers. Eventually, someone came up with an idea of putting codfish in the same container as catfish- natural enemies. What’s fascinating is the whole time the codfish was being shipped, it had to stay alert. And as expected, when they got to the final destination, the codfish was indeed still fresh.

Your heart has been so hardened as a result of all the frustrations you continue to encounter- we get it. But sometimes what or who you think is an enemy is rather an asset God brings your way to make you stay alert; to keep you alive. All the challenges you are encountering today will surely be your testimony tomorrow- believe that. Fam, and choosing to be a believer is not seasonal so it’s simply unfair for your relationship with God to be dependent on when you need a breakthrough. In fact, the majority of us become spiritual only in times when our backs are against the wall; forgetting our past indiscretions.

It’s about time you grasp that God has a school called the College of Trials. Very few are appointed to enroll in this school but if you can stay in and graduate, He has a promotion on the other side- designed just for you. Stay alert so you don’t miss your destined promotion.


This message was originally shared on Instagram here.

The Heart Series- Part 1

While my peers were pursuing their dream careers post graduation, I was engaged in a sales role that I had no reverence for. However, what I always understood was that I cannot expect to reap their harvest if I hadn’t sown their seeds. You see, while they pursued an internship during our summer breaks, I was selling bracelets on the streets of New York City to fund my company- which eventually failed.

Launching my career in tech right after graduation was simply favor. The challenge, however, was that my heart wasn’t in the role. It must have resulted from seeing my peers earn significant bonuses as investment bankers; hoping that the trend would have been my reality. As a result of a hardening heart, my performance in the role was subpar. And refusing to assess the challenge from within also led me to switch to a bigger firm. But the cycle continued.

Now, at the next firm, there was a colleague-turned-friend who would always show up to work filled with a burst of positive energy. Give or take, there was no difference in our physical input but he always closed more deals. The more our friendship grew, the better I understood that he had programmed his heart to bloom where he had been planted. What’s interesting is the role wasn’t his dream career and yet his output continued to fascinate every member of our team. For me, it was clearly time to evaluate the misaligned energy that emanated as a result of my emotions.

Armed with this revelation, my approach to working completely improved. As results were ushered to my doorstep, I finally understood that when you stop focusing on what you’ve lost but get excited about what you’re about to receive, things always work out for your good. You see, when the Bible shares that He prepares a table before you, there was no mention of a table of your choosing. But what’s implied is that as long as you keep honoring Him at this table, just like David, the oil that belongs to you will never flow for someone else. Fam, who would have ever thought that the same role I was once unhappy about is what continues to mentor me every step of my entrepreneurial journey?


This message was originally shared on Instagram here.

Birthday Message

In Ghana, there's a term commonly said when someone acts too innocently; “You Are Green.”

On this birthday, I share this saying to remind ourselves about the importance of staying green; regardless of the heights God permits us to attain in the years ahead. Now over the years, I’ve learned that when you are green, you build the patient capital (pun 100% intended) required to learn from others. You simply keep growing, and the best part is only a very few see your evolution coming. However, when you become ripe, the speed at which you rot quickens. And trust that those who once held you in high esteem begin to disassociate.

So today, it’s cheers to staying green and to the unimaginable level of growth ahead 🖤. All Love.

Phrasing Matters

During a conversation with another entrepreneur at a private dinner, an elderly gentleman approached us. He first turned to me; “So, what brings you here?” I responded, “We secured a grant from the government.” He nodded, and then turned to the other. His response; “The government is one of our partners.” And just like that, the elderly gentleman diverted his attention to the other entrepreneur for about an hour until he abruptly disappeared. It turns out he was a diplomat in search of education partners for his home government.

My fellow entrepreneur was indeed correct. We too had signed a service contract to partner with this government. However, the reasoning behind my response was because at one point in our journey, we relied solely on grants. Even when we identified other revenue streams, the word ‘grant’ had been ingrained into our minds for so long that fully embracing the next steps in our journey seemed like a stretch. What we hadn’t realized then was that God is too big to live in the jail cell of our mentality. You see, when we learn to expand our minds and keep refining our definition of greatness, the possibilities ahead are endless.

Time after time, we underestimate the potency of how we phrase our words, and this often leads to missing our window of opportunity or worse, decreasing our self-esteem. It’s crazy how on countless occasions, I’ve heard peers say about themselves, “Wow, I’m so stupid” after a relatively small error. Now what do you think your spongy mind will naturally do next? Fam, the kind of words your mind is fed with - whether consciously or not - can either box you in a cage or elevate you to the next stage of your journey.

As believers, we have all been given the power to prophesy upon our lives. It’s this same power that positions us to phrase our words in ways that benefit us (attract blessings) rather than harm us (attract pain). So in the past, if you vocalized that you needed that person to feel complete, then today, let me remind you that you rather choose that person because you are complete. All words but your elevation lies in how you phrase your thoughts moving forward.

Celebrating International Women's Day

Brothers, Brothers, Brothers. On this International Women's Day, permit me to share the story of an incredibly phenomenal woman from the Bible. I mean the kind of woman whose presence in your life alone will birth generational blessings. This woman called Ruth was married to the son of Naomi. After being widowed, Ruth had the option of abandoning her mother-in-law. But instead, she relocated with Naomi and continued to demonstrate true loyalty and devotion. Come on. 

Let’s cut to the chase. On one beautiful day, Ruth went to glean wheat on the fields of a wealthy man known as Boaz. When Boaz saw Ruth, he was just mesmerized. Now because of Ruth's commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi coached her on getting Boaz to put a ring on it. Just imagine. That marriage between Ruth and Boaz completely changed the lives of the two women. Listen fam, you just can never get rid of the woman who is supposed to stay in your life. If she walks away, she was not supposed to stay. And sometimes, you just have some inner work to do- and that’s okay. Go do that.

The story gets interesting. From this union, Ruth and Boaz conceived Obed. From Obed came Jesse. From Jesse came David. From David came the Messiah. Brothers, we sometimes underestimate the power of a good woman - showered with grace - to completely turn our lives around. If you have found her, just don’t mess up. But stay alert. In the same light, the woman who chooses to be with you for the wrong reason(s) can also destroy your life. Sampson can give you free counseling on this. So commit wisely. This is where prayer and discernment plays a critical role in deciding who you build with, serve, and hold in the highest esteem.

You see, we often recite "He who finds a wife finds a good thing." But how many of us realize that an equally important part of that scripture is "...and receives favor from the Lord”? But please don’t rush and marry because you want favor. The favor in discussion does not simply come from a ceremony and court signing- it's really deeper than that.  This favor stems from loving your partner just as Christ loved the Church; just like how you love your own body- your temple. Bro, are you ready for that level of intimacy? Let me remind you that it transcends the physical. But if you can get there, the peace of mind that is birthed from demonstrating unfiltered love can just never be quantified. Real talk.

Now this peace of mind and clarity you eventually attain from being faithful, being caring, and being Godly - coupled with the support system from a good woman - is what serves as the catalyst for unlocking that favor. Let me end on a selfish note; have you noticed that most of the successful men today just happen to respect their partners? No coincidence.

March Forward

It seems you’ve been imprisoned by your thoughts and paralyzed by unrealized dreams. And the fact that you are getting older only makes you more anxious about whether your current reality might just become your forever. On countless occasions where you feel like you don’t belong, your mind has traveled as far as contemplating suicide. Deep down you know taking that route won’t solve your battles. So you live to fight another day, and another. But fam, it’s about time you break free from the cycle that has drained you for way too long, and take actions in reclaiming your life. Let’s take a quick lesson from the playbook of the spider.

What’s fascinating about the spider is that it spins its web, which is filled with sticky substances, to catch other insects. Now even when a dragon fly - several times bigger than the spider - comes in contact with the web, it gets stuck. However, what baffles me most is how the spider can walk across its sticky web without getting stuck too. Think about it; how does it not get caught in its own trap? The reality is that the spider has the capability to produce an oil that flows down its legs and makes it possible to glide down its web.

I’m unsure who needs to read this but your thoughts spin to capture negativity simply because it has been conditioned to. The good news is you’ve been blessed with so much power to overcome any level of negativity that you may have attracted on the journey. And unlike the spider, you do not need to go as far to produce oil because of the anointing that’s already placed upon your life. You were created to naturally glide over any unwanted thoughts and unending battles. But first, you must learn to recognize your anointing, claim back your power, and march forward into breaking free from the cycle- you’re oiled up!

You Have Prayed- So What?

As I expounded on our business challenges to one of our advisors, he interrupted by asking “were you not the same person interviewed on CNN International?” I nodded. He continued, “there are business people who have earned millions because of one global spotlight; what did you make of yours?” I was silent.

Let’s rewind. Before this feature, we had prayed and hoped so long for a breakthrough. Funders were quiet, sales had exponentially dipped, and our most seasoned manager resigned with no prior notice. However, when it seemed impossible to soar higher in the midst of the storm, God absolutely calmed us one morning in the storm. CNN had randomly contacted us for an interview and there was no way we were going to question that level of grace.

It’s often said God will not give you what you cannot manage. Truth. But what they do not add is that only you can PREPARE for the breakthrough with the talents and downtime - yes downtime - you have been blessed with. You see, the entire time we were praying for a breakthrough, we didn’t realize the delay was purposed to keep our house in order for what’s to come. It’s quite saddening that for some of us, if God were to answer all our prayers right away, we would have lost our heads. There’s evidently so much work to be done between the anointing and the appointing, and sometimes our pride prevents us from digging our bare hands into the soil.

The week that interview was broadcasted, emails and phone calls from government officials and respected business executives from all over the world visited our doorstep in volumes. But it was so clear after each call that praying for a breakthrough is only 50% of the work. The other 50% is the conscious preparation towards a plausible divine manifestation. For us, this was one of the best lessons we could have understood at that stage in the Blossom Academy journey- you just cannot have growth without disruption. So fam, whenever you pray for that breakthrough moving forward, always make sure your level of preparation mitigates the nature of disruption that lies ahead. You have prayed- so what? The choice of the ‘what’ is yours to make.

The Acumen Story

As I reflect on 2022, I realize that my will was absolutely tested on countless occasions. It was the year where a series of rejection emails revisited my door step in harmony. My self esteem certainly took an unexpected hit however, I’m also grateful to have understood that sometimes cultivating a more persevering spirit is not an option but rather the norm.

As fate would have it, I was welcomed to join the Acumen West Africa Fellowship Program towards the end of the year. The irony of this outcome is how sick I had abruptly become throughout the two-day interview. The insistent coughing and the sweats that profusely escaped through my pores refused to be suppressed by all the remedies sought for. So one could imagine my disbelief when months later, I was selected amongst the 2% of applicants.

It was at this moment where it became clear that when an opportunity has your name inscribed on it, there is absolutely no way it will pass you by. Regardless of how long it spins around the block, it will eventually make its way to your doorstep- believe that. This part of the success equation has to be what some of us call Favor. The other part is by no doubt Hard work- which absolutely travels alongside luck.

While in Nigeria with my co-Fellows earlier this month, I understood some of us had applied to join the Fellowship several times in the past while others were given the opportunity at the first shot. But here is what I found even more fascinating; the timing seemed to have aligned so perfectly with each Fellow’s professional journey. One year before or after, it may not have made sense. And this was when it hit me- the missing part of the equation you can partially control through discernment is Timing. As it’s beautifully shared in Proverbs 19:21, “you can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” So the next time you encounter a rejection, just smile and affirm that it’s a redirection to God’s purpose for you. The sun always shines, how much more you?

Learning to Love Again*

Why don’t you think you are deserving of love? You’ve internalized this belief for way too long, and whenever someone gets remotely close, your actions seem to drive them away. “We all have our demons,” you often share with others as you cope. But what the world doesn’t know is you lay in bed deep in your thoughts contemplating what it is you’ve been possessed with. You ponder over whether love is a made up concept that only you do not seem to understand, to fully grasp.

Over the years, you’ve successfully tucked away the pain associated with life lessons disguised as heartbreaks. It seems you’ve fully recovered but strangely enough, certain scars you stumble upon trigger unforgiving memories. Your resurfaced insecurities hunt you and constantly remind you of your complexities. It’s so clear your newfound person cannot seem to navigate what it is exactly that you actually search for. So in attempt to love you, they attempt to change you. You too attempt to change them.

Learning to love again is not a project so tuck away that ideology before your tears fail you again. The painful truth you are yet to embrace is that people do not change for people; they change for themselves. Let that sink in. The moment you try to change someone, the person automatically perceives you do not love them for who they are. It rather portrays that you’re in love with their potential or the version of themselves that is most befitting for you. Naturally, this fuels distaste and leads the relationship to wither just as quickly as it started.

It’s certainly not too late though- you can still learn to love again once you map out a vision for your next relationship. You can still learn to love again once you first learn to truly love yourself before dumping your issues on an innocent soul. And as you do love again, you must accept that your past does not define you, and the love you deserve will never question it. Your person awaits and anticipating perfection will cause you to miss this. If the shared purpose of life is to evolve towards perfection, what better way to evolve than with the one that you genuinely love? Happy Valentine’s Day.

Spiritual Assignments

It’s fascinating how I ran into him at a family gathering, where he trumpeted about how Blossom Academy gave him direction. In that moment, I understood that when you stretch your hand into the dark to help another hand, you find out it’s your own. Several months ago, a member of our team contemplated her decision to explore an opportunity that better aligned with her career trajectory. As I encouraged the final decision, she asked, “you do realize Blossom is a ministry, right?” I smiled.

Shortly afterwards, I stumbled upon Psalm 72:16 which states “…and may people blossom in the cities like the grass in the field!” For the first time, I understood the name that was placed on our hearts is in itself prophetic. I also gained clarity that when God puts a vision on our hearts, He intentionally does not spell out the roadmap because we are His ambassadors- our testimonies serve as encouragement for others. No wonder why the journey has been a rollercoaster yet for reasons beyond imagination, we continue to climb upwards.

As I took a step back to reflect, I now comprehend that when we cultivate the desire to serve, our spiritual assignments visit us through a wide range of peculiar mediums or signs. These signs are God’s whisper to stop crawling and take that bold step forward because He is the ‘God of somehow.’ Somehow He will intervene when we need Him most. Somehow. Yet we lose hope upon the first sign of an obstacle, and give up. The majority of us also forget that there’s one thing to feel the vision, and another to see the manifestation…

Riddle me this. You ever wondered why God hated Esau, but loved Jacob (Malachi 1:2-3)? You see, when Abraham produced the seed, Isaac passed the seed, and Jacob MULTIPLIED the seed. Esau, on the other hand, failed to let the seed germinate because he did not cherish it. He underestimated the potency of his calling. So Fam, the next time you are assigned, learn not to embrace the ideology that “I will go when I know the outcome.” Because God might just plant the seed into someone else’s heart as He is looking for those who will eventually discover the recipe on the way.

Keep Your Hands On The Wheel*

It’s quite saddening that when you’re driven, you often realize too late that you’ve actually been in the passenger’s seat the entire time. You see, the ego is quick to position itself behind the steering wheel with its foot firm on the gas. The true self has been conditioned to believe that permitting the foot on the gas is how it derives its value. So you end up in this well structured rat race; disregarding the fact that your hands have been off the wheel the entire time. It’s no surprise that on multiple occasions, you crash- you burn out…

During my undergrad, I found great satisfaction from always being on the move. The adrenaline rush garnered from running between classes mirrored the desire to be caught striving for excellence. On one cold winter morning, in usual fashion, I rushed out of an elevator on campus. But this time around, the security guard stopped me and inquired, “Son, why are you always in a rush? Don’t you know it’s only the devil that’s always busy?”

In that moment, I felt perplexed as a cacophony of deafening thoughts weighed on my mind. It’s no secret that driven people have a tendency to live in where they are going at the expense of where they are. The unspoken truth is that when you eventually get to where you are going, you’ve most likely lost who you are. So what is the alienated reasoning for the rush, when you have the opportunity to know yourself and dictate a more authentic outcome of the journey?

The vision God has put on your heart is not dependent on your qualifications but on your trust and your faith in Him. Keep your hands firm on the wheel; you may not face potholes today, but you eventually will tomorrow because of where you have been appointed to go. Keep your hands on the wheel so when you’re reminded to refuel, you can move in the right direction for replenishment- not speed past your Source. Keep your hands on the wheel- your warmth in this cold world is still needed more than you can ever imagine. Now echoing the words of my Pastor, “when you don’t take a stand, don’t expect God to take a stand for you.” Reflect on it.